Tell the World a Story

(and tell it well.)

There are millions of great ideas out there, but if you don’t present them in a way that engages an audience, then, well, you’re really just talking to yourself.

Great podcasting offers the opportunity to engage people in content they’re probably already interested in, and learn something new in the process. The experts and storytellers behind that content should be able to focus their attention on crafting their work - not on worrying about how they’re going to share that work with an audience.

As a podcast producer, that’s where I come in.

From pre-production to post, I make it as easy as possible for creators to share their stories and ideas, and for an audience to connect with them.

Here are some of the shows I’m working on:

Jill Ruby is a multi-award-winning podcast series producer and editor based in Brookline, Massachusetts. She produces engaging, enlightening, and entertaining content ranging from mental health to literacy, literature, art, current affairs, and so much more.

Let’s work together.